Philip Sutton wrote:

... I know that, given the cost limitation that hardware imposes, there will be an incentive to have fewer more powerful AGIs (down to one?) rather than have more less powerful AGIs.

However, I think there might be a counterveiling incentive.


Maybe the most successful approach will be a community of individual AGIs that can specialise but that also engage in exchanges of data/knowledge and can also do partial mind-melds when super-
mentation is required.

Cheers, Philip

I think that this last choice is the correct one. In fact it will be forced, basically due to the speed of light limitation in the transmission of signals. But note that there will be broadband connections between the separate members of the community. Thus it will in a sense be one individual in the sense that a corporation is one individual. (Well, actually a bit more so. They will be able to engage in genuine thought transmission, where here a thought would be an entire mental model of a situation, complete with desired goal states and physical sensoria. Probably bz2 is pushing the limit on compression, but if they share high level mental constructs, what would need to be transmitted would be analogous to the source code of a program, and it's data, but NOT the libraries. This would enable a real compression in the needed bandwidth. [Note that speech among humans automatically assumes some of these properties, so a verbal description is much more compact than a AV recording.]) This, of course, assumes that they will have identical primitives (i.e., the same version of the library).

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