I'm looking for some partners to develop the AGI described on my web page, and I'm 
also interested in more long-term and large-scale collaboration with other AGI groups.

I think currently AGI is going through a fermenting stage before a dominant design 
will emerge. This will require a lot of work, and it is not at all predictable which 
group's design will turn out to be successful. I'm afraid right now most people have 
not thought about how to capture the AGI market value, because we're still too busy 
experimenting. AGI will become a very pervasive technology and capturing its value is 
a serious challenge.

I can understand how AI researchers always believe in the eventual success of their 
projects, but it is also quite *predictable* that only one AGI group will achieve 
market domination. This outcome will be devastating to other groups, as history has 
shown. It's not sensible to assume that every group can somehow carve a niche in the 
market. If we don’t try to collaborate to capture market value, it is actually very 
likely that many groups will not be able to sustain their research. And it is also 
very predictable that some later startups will achieve dominance because they have not 
incurred early research costs. In short, the outcome will be very chaotic.

If we don’t want this to happen to us, we can form a research consortium to better 
capture market value and so everyone will get a slice of the pie. This will also 
facilitate communication and external knowledge sharing between AGI groups (such as 
sharing a virtual sensory environment testbed). Also, research groups can remain 
autonomous and explore their unique ideas if they want.

There're also other issues that may require division of labor. Such as special 
sections for security, hardware implementation, marketing, etc.

Maybe we can start a discussion on how to divide future AGI revenues among different 


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