On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 12:32:02PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hardware and software continues to evolve... 
> Samsung Now Offering Flash-based Disk To Customers
> Compared with hard disk drives, flash-based drives run silently, access 
> data faster than hard-disk drives, use less battery power, weigh less 
> and are more durable, according to Samsung.
> http://cwflyris.computerworld.com/t/375740/8107/12837/2/

Disks are largely useless in realtime signal processing,
because you need some ~10 ms for an acess. Solid-state drives
are better, and I genuinely hope we'd be getting nonvolatile
(MRAM or other spintronics) storage for main memory which
would make rotating magnetic bits (or worse -- tape)
obsolete. But then, we've been waiting for these since
bubble memories. 

One could argue vaguely about some rare lookup access on a very
large assembly (terabytes or petabytes) which fetches some
hard-to-compute information, but I have not seen any plausible
AI architecture where this has been demonstrated empirically 
to work.

Arguably even RAM are useless for realtime, since you need
~second to stream through a node's memory. And that's just
one iteration. And it's not random-access, so it can get
some 10-20 times as slow.

Now if you could process the entire ~GByte chunk in ~1 us.. 100 ns
steps, that'd be interesting.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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