> It's a little more than that (more than just speed optimization),
> because the declarative knowledge may be uncertain, but the procedure
> derived from it will often be more determinate...
> [...]
> Well, we are trying to make NOvamente actually do stuff (and
> succeeding, to a limited but nontrivial extent so far).  We already
> have got the fundamentals figured out and are at the point where we
> actually need to make our system work in an interesting way, and that
> means that doing theorem-proving internally every time an action needs
> to be taken is just not acceptable.
> [...]
> Two answers:
> 1)
> NOte that the compiled procedures may involve calls to the system's
> main memory, and may sometimes invoke inferences internally.  So there
> is an interweaving of execution of compiled instructions and
> on-the-fly mining of the knowledge and when necessary inference based
> on the knowledge base.
> 2)
> In a situation like you mention above, the choice of whether to read
> Braille, light a fire, etc., would be carried out inferentially within
> Novamente.  But once the choice was made, some stored procedures would
> be used to carry out the individual choices.  For instance, reading
> Braille would take the form of stored procedures rather than
> on-the-fly logical inference.  And, lighting a fire would probably be
> done by spontaneously piecing together a procedure based on stored
> subprocedures learned during previous fire-lighting experiences....
Alright, I assume you have a reasonable way of dealing with procedures.  My concern is really about KR.  The question is do you *segregate* memory into declarative, episodic, and procedural memory.   I just don't see why procedural knowledge should be mixed with declarative memory in the same container.  If you put procedural knowledge in a separate memory space then you can use a more standard / conventional KR for declarative knowledge.
[ I have not thought about how to apply procedural knowledge, that probably involves a lot of heuristics, and we can discuss that at a later time. ]

Well, what do you actually mean when you say you would seperate it? How?  It seems likely that we will have links between them all to provide easy access.  If we have a frame for "book" or "reading a book" then it would seem very useful to have a reference link off there to a procedural description of reading a book, and maybe some past experiences.  Likewise in the other direction, anytimg I consider the procedure or "reading a book" I will need to reference back to book to check facts and information about the object.

James Ratcliff

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