On 7/25/06, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

About the measurement of general intelligence in AGI's ...

I would tend to advocate a "vectorial intelligence" approach

I'm not against a vector approach.  Naturally every intelligent
system will have domains in which it is stronger than others.
Knowing what these are is useful and important.  A single number
can't capture this.

One might also define a "domain-transcending intelligence", measured
by supplying a system with tasks involving learning how to solve
problems in totally new areas it has never seen before.  This would be
very hard to measure but perhaps not impossible.

However, in my view, this "domain-transcending intelligence" -- though
perhaps the most critical part of "general intelligence" -- should

I think this "most critical part", as you put it, is what's missing in
a lot of AI systems.  It's why people look at a machine that can
solve difficult calculus problems in the blink of a second and say
that it's not really intelligent.

This is the reason I think there's value in having an overall general
measure of intelligence --- to highlight the need to put the G back
into AI.


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