
On 10/24/06, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Ben,

As you know, though I think AGISim is interesting, I'd rather directly
try the real thing. ;-)

I felt that way too once, and so (in 1996) I did directly try the real
thing.  Building a mobile robot and experimenting with it was fun, but
I quickly learned that one spends all one's time dealing with sensor
and actuator issues and never really gets to deal with cognition in
any interesting way.  Admittedly, robotic tech has advanced a lot
since then, but I think the basic point still holds.  IMO, given the
current state of mobile robot tech, to do robotics-based AI
effectively requires at least one dedicated team member fully devoted
to the robotics side....

Much robotics-based AI involves first experimenting in robot
simulation software, anyway.  AGISim right now is not a robot
simulation software package, but it could be tailored into one, which
would be interesting....  Maybe we'll start by making an AGISim
Roomba, using the Pyro interface to Roomba ;-)

-- Ben

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