 Even given a hand created checked and correct small but comprehensive Knowledge Representation of the sample world, it is STILL not a trivial effort to get the sentences from the complicated form of english into some computer processable format. 
The cat example you gave is unfortunalty not the norm.

An example from the texts I am working with is:
"A draft United Nations resolution calling for sanctions on Iran has been dealt a severe blow by China and Russia and, given the absence of any evidence of nuclear-weapons proliferation by Iran, the momentum for UN action against Iran has begun to fizzle."

Which becomes much harder to parse and put into machine readable format.

There are two major interconnecting issues here, the Natural Langauge Processing, and the Knowledge Representation, which unfortunatly rely very heavily on eachother and must be solved together.


Jef Allbright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Russell Wallace wrote:

> Syntactic ambiguity isn't the problem. The reason computers don't
> understand English is nothing to do with syntax, it's because they
> don't understand the world.

> It's easy to parse "The cat sat on the mat" into

> sit
> cat
> on
> mat
> past

> But the computer still doesn't understand the sentence, because it
> doesn't know what cats, mats and the act of sitting _are_. (The best
> test of such understanding is not language - it's having the
> computer draw an animation of the action.)

Russell, I agree, but it might be clearer if we point out that humans
don't understand the world either. We just process these symbols within
a more encompassing context.

- Jef

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James Ratcliff

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