I actually just stumbled on something, from a totally different work I was doing, but possibly interesting:


An entire wikipedia, using simple english, that should be much much easier to parse than its more complex brother.


BillK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/6/06, James Ratcliff wrote:
> In some form or another we are going to HAVE to have a natural language
> interface, either a translation program that can convert our english to the
> machine understandable form, or a simplified form of english that is
> trivial for a person to quickly understand and write.
> Humans use natural speech to communicate and to have an effective AGI that
> we can itneract with, it will have to have easy communication with us. That
> has been a critcal problem with all software since the beginning, a
> difficulty in the human computer interface.
> I go further to propose that as much knowledge information should be stored
> in easily recognizable natural language as well, only devolving into more
> complex forms where the cases warrant it, such as complex motor-sensor data
> sets, and some lower logic levels.

Anybody remember short wave radio?

The Voice of America does worldwide broadcasts in Special English.

Special English has a core vocabulary of 1500 words. Most are simple
words that describe objects, actions or emotions. Some words are more
difficult. They are used for reporting world events and describing
discoveries in medicine and science.

Special English writers use short, simple sentences that contain only
one idea. They use active voice. They do not use idioms.

There is also Basic English:

Basic English is a constructed language with a small number of words
created by Charles Kay Ogden and described in his book Basic English:
A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar (1930). The language is
based on a simplified version of English, in essence a subset of it.

Ogden said that it would take seven years to learn English, seven
months for Esperanto, and seven weeks for Basic English, comparable
with Ido. Thus Basic English is used by companies who need to make
complex books for international use, and by language schools that need
to give people some knowledge of English in a short time.

Also see:

Basic English is a selection of 850 English words, used in simple
structural patterns, which is both an international auxiliary language
and a self-contained first stage for the teaching of any form of wider
or Standard English. A subset, no unlearning.


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