Call me GOFAI ;)  I have thought about this for quite some time and I'm not
just copying old ideas

On 1/19/07, Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The key problem is that you can't feasibly encode enough facts to
allow interesting commonsense inferences

Yes, we need a lot of thought rules -- they are needed, and there is no
escape except to encode them.  Machine learning may help (the rules can be
learned), but I think human encoding can get us quite far already.  That's
why I want to start a project to collect such rules.

-- commonsense inference
seems to require a very massive store of highly uncertain
knowledge-items, rather than a small store of certain ones.
Totally disagree!  I actually examined a few cases of *real-life*
commonsense inference steps, and I found that they are based on a *small*
number of tiny rules of thought.  I don't know why you think "massive"
knowledge items are needed for commonsense reasoning -- if you closely
examine some of your own thoughts you'd see.

The rules in my system need not be "certain".  They can be *defeasible* and
augmented with Pei Wang's <c,f> (confidence and frequency) values (which I
think is a very good idea).

I feel like you are personally rediscovering GOFAI, the kind of AI
that I read about in textbooks when I first started exploring the
field in the early 1980's!!!!
Indeed I am very much influenced by those books.  That's not necessarily a
bad thing!!


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