On Feb 8, 2007, at 8:59 AM, gts wrote:

On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 20:40:27 -0500, Charles D Hixson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I suspect you of mis-analyzing the goals and rewards of casino gamblers.... I'm not sure whether or not this speaks to the points that you are attempting to raise, but it certainly calls into question comments about "stupid bets". Well, the lottery isn't a casino, so perhaps you are correct, but I would be suspicious about calculating values based solely on the money.

The point I was making, and it applies equally well to lottery bets as it does to casino bets, is that such bets are not evidence of incoherence where incoherence is defined (by De Finetti) as vulnerability to dutch books.

A dutch book occurs when an incoherent thinker is forced to lose as a result of his inconsistent judgmental probabilities, no matter the outcome. Such bets are worse than stupid. :)

I gave an example of a Dutch book in a post to Russell in which an incoherent thinker assigns a higher probability to intelligent life on Mars than to mere life on Mars. Since the first hypothesis can be true only if the second is true, it is incoherent to assign a higher probability to the first than to the second.

Well, the heuristics and biases literature contains MANY results showing that people regularly DO make that kind of "conjunction fallacy"

Coherence is basically just common sense applied to probabilistic reasoning. I'm dismayed to learn from Ben that coherence is so difficult to achieve in AGI.

AGIs don't need to be as lame as humans, they can certainly avoid the conjunction fallacy. But Dutch Book scenarios can be quite complicated, see e.g. the Gambling example at


which is only moderately complicated. If you create a similar example of 10 times the complexity, basically any human may be fooled unless they do some math or write some code to understand the probabilities involved...


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