That just wouldn't work at all for the Novamente design.

Is the problem translating from C++ to C# or something else?

While there might not be a good point to writing Novamente in the .NET framework in the SQL engine of a database server, I don't get why it wouldn't work at all.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ben Goertzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:13 PM
Subject: **SPAM** Re: [agi] Development Environments for AI (a few non-religious comments!)

Mark Waser wrote:
So from the below, can I take it that you're a big proponent of the .NET framework since database access is built into the framework *AND* the framework is embedded in the database? The "crazy like a fox" way to build an AGI may very well be to write it in the .NET framework in the SQL engine of a database server.

That just wouldn't work at all for the Novamente design.

If you have an AGI design that will work reasonably efficiently that way, then go for it. But I am dubious, at the moment ;-)


    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* David Clark <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, February 21, 2007 2:27 PM
    *Subject:* **SPAM** Re: [agi] Development Environments for AI (a
    few non-religious comments!)

    Unless the database is built into the language then using a
    database, outside the AGI,  will never work.  The data and code
    connection must be within the same development system.  The
    overhead of sending, parsing, optimizing the query, getting the
    data, preparing the result set, sending it back to the original
    program, and then putting the result into useful variables is just
    too much.
     There are alternatives that can give an extremely fast data
    access, full language and other qualities necessary to creating an
    AGI out there.
     MySQL is not only slow, but has no language capable of creating
    anything.  Lisp, Python, C++ etc don't have the necessary power
    tools to create much of anything without starting everything from
     Some manipulations for any large project (AGI) can be done in
    memory but without a scalable and flexible way of storing and
    retrieving large amounts of data from disk, no AGI is going to be
    built using conventional computers any time soon.
     David Clark

        ----- Original Message -----
        *From:* Mark Waser <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        *To:* <>
        *Sent:* Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:36 AM
        *Subject:* Re: [agi] Development Environments for AI (a few
        non-religious comments!)

        >> Incidentally, for those things (scalable write/search/read
        of large data sets) which existing database engines do well,
        which one would you recommend?
         Hmmm . . . . am I dumb enough to incite a database holy war? .
        . . . .
         Yeah, I am.
         Let me phrase it this way . . . . I have extensive experience
with MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. MySQL is simplest and free. PostgreSQL is awesome and free
        though the tools aren't quite as friendly as Microsoft and it
        doesn't scale up quite as far as Microsoft yet -- though it
        probably scales further than anyone on this list really
        needs.  Microsoft has the best tools and the easiest
        integration with many things.  Oracle scales further but it's
tools are not as good and it has some really odd capability holes.
         Or . . . . Never sneer at MySQL if someone wants it and it
        fulfills your requirements (though it won't cut it for AGI
        fairly quickly).  If you're a LAMP/*nix aficionado and hate
        Microsoft, go PostgreSQL.  If you're a Microsoftie, it's not a
        bad way to go and has many advantages.  But don't use Oracle,
        the scaling advantage is *NOT* worth the costs (money,
        time, effort, and frustration).

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