Numeric vectors are strictly more powerful as a representation than predicates.
This is not really true...
A set of vectors is a relation, which is a predicate; I can do any logical operation on them (given, e.g. a term constructor that is simply a hash function along an axis). But they also have a metric, which can be enormously useful in some situations.

Well, uncertain logical predicates also have a metric, the Jaccard metric

1 - P(A and B) / P(A or B)

And, there is a kind of averaging operator for logical predicates as well -- revision, which combines two different truth value estimates of the same predicate, based on different
(possibly overlapping) evidence sets

Consider the "Copycat" operation (given A,B,C, find D such that A:B :: C:D for some relations : and ::). (I call it "analogical quadrature".) This is enormously useful. Copycat did it by using a funky search in a space defined by a semantic net with variable link lengths, so as to simulate some of the metric-ness of the semantic space in an ad hoc way. If the concepts are represented as vectors IN A SPACE THAT CAPTURES THE SALIENT ATTRIBUTES, analogical quadrature reduces to vector addition. This means I can afford to search a lot of projections/transforms looking for good spaces. (I.e. because testing them is cheap.)

Yes, copycat simulated a metric in an ad hoc way, because it lacked a robust way of measuring
and utilizing uncertainty...

Anyway, the interesting thing in Hofstadter-ian analogy problems is the identification of
WHAT THE SALIENT ATTRIBUTES ARE ... not the choice of representation itself.

If you represent concepts as probabilistic-logical combinations of the salient attributes, you will get the same advantages as in your numerical representation plus more ;-)

There are two major problems arising in your numeric vector representation:

-- what are the relevant dimensions. For analogical quadrature to reduce to vector addition, you need to make sure the relevant dimensions are PROBABILISTICALLY INDEPENDENT in the context in question. But obviously, finding independent dimensions may be very hard.

-- how are the numbers in the different dimensions normalized. Vector addition treats all components equally rather than weighting them; but if different dimensions represent different things they will not automatically be on the same scale. So you need to do some clever
normalization or some clever weighting.

In a probabilistic framework, the search for contextually probabilistically independent variables, and the weighting of different
aspects, is handled in a mathematically and conceptually coherent way.

How do you handle these two issues in your framework?

I fear you are taking a model of low-level vision and extrapolating it into a model of cognition. Whereas, I suspect that high-level vision actually has a lot to do with probabilistic inference...

Similarly, you're a fan of Moravec's grids in robotics, but modern robotics uses probabilistic occupancy
grids that work better ;-) ...

There are decent arguments that interconnections btw cortical columns are representing conditional probabilities in many cases ... if so then focusing on the numeric vectors of multiple neural activations, rather than the conditional probabilities they represent, may be misdirected...

-- Ben

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