----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] My proposal for an AGI agenda

> This thread has been going on for what, weeks? The argument has been
> going on since the beginning of time. If you think you need to invent
> a new language to accomplish something, you don't know how to do it,
> and creating the language will accomplish nothing. Every good language
> has been a refinement of techniques that have grown popular in other
> languages.

Is this conclusion based on your personal experience with many programming
languages?  I have found that the ease of programming, speed of execution
and result of any system I have programmed, to be quite dependant on the
language used.  Have you ever tried to make a device driver in Powerbuilder?
Would you like to write an inventory control system in Assembler?

> Solutions are best to well specified problems. "AI is hard" isn't
> specific. "Self modifying code is difficult in Java" is the kind of
> problem that may warrant using a different language. Wait, let me
> qualify that. "Self modifying code is difficult in Java _and I've got
> a design thought up that will make use of self modifying code_" is the
> kind of problem that may warrant using a different language.

I have created a system that makes "Self modifying code" and I have a design
that "will make use of self modifying code".  This is exactly why I created
this language in the first place.

> But AGI is not going to be hacked together by some undergrad between WOW
> sessions once he's given the "right" tools.

Totally in agreement but are all the people on this list undergrads?  Does
the fact that most people given any computer language tool mean that they
will be able to successfully use it?  Is this an argument for NOT creating
better tools?

> The portions of the first seed AGI that are written by humans will not
> be written in a language designed for that project.

I would be interested in knowing what arguments or experience you have that
would lead to this conclusion?  I can't think of any!

-- David Clark

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