Creating compelling virtual characters for games or online worlds sounds
like a nice direction to go down, which fits well with the overall aims of
producing an AGI.  Although most of my own focus is in producing real world
intelligent entities in the form of robotics I've long thought, ever since
trying some of the first online worlds in the late 1990s, that one of the
likely places where the first really intelligent entities appear might be in
one of these online environments.

These days I spend hardly any time playing games, and am not an especially
big fan of SL, but there does seem to be an increasing amount of money being
thrown in that direction.  Eventually I imagine that computer operating
systems will be not much more than a window onto these virtual worlds.

Incidentally my favourite online characters are the animations done by
Jeffrey Ventrella within the online wold called "There".  The way that the
pet dogs are animated is great, and quite life like.

On 26/03/07, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

As there has been a lot of discussion of the Novamente AI system on this
it seems apropos to announce here that Novamente LLC has decided upon a
significant shift in business direction/approach.

If you're curious a pertinent "company blog entry" is here:

-- Ben

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