On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 08:40:02AM -0700, David Clark wrote:

>    I would like to know what computer executes data without code.  None
>    that I have used since 1976 so please educate me!

The distinction is a bit arbitrary. Machine instructions are nothing
but data to the CPU.

But the lack of distinction between code and data in biological
tissue processing is significant. Such systems are best seen as
state, and their evolution (the state space variety) as iterative
transformation on that state.

Considering the memory bottleneck, you don't get a lot of refreshes/s
on a typical 10^9 word node. With current technology 10 MBytes/node in order
to match the refresh rate of neuronal circuitry, which is not a lot
of state/node, so you need an awful lot of nodes.
>    Even though some state designs can put logic into data instead of
>    program code, and even though program code is stored as data, they
>    aren't the same.

The distinction between storage and processing, between code and
data is arbitrary. It's an earmark of a particular technology, and a
rather pitiful technology, which goes back directly to the Jaquard loom.
We're stuck in a bad optimum for time being, but luckily people have
started running into enough limitations (recent multicore mania is a
symptom) so they're willing to abandon the conventional approach,
because it no longer offers enough ROI, especially long-term.

>    To estimate given, insufficient knowledge is problematic, to estimate
>    given NO knowledge produces useless conjectures.

Yes. This is why I stick to what biology can do in a given volume, because
it's the only working instance we can analyze.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820            http://www.ativel.com
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