--- Shane Legg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/8/07, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "The author has received reliable information, from a Source who wishes to
> > > remain anonymous, that the decimal expansion of Omega begins
> > >
> > > Omega = 0.9999998020554253273471801908..."
> >
> > For which choice of universal Turing machine?
> It's actually  0.00787499699781238...
> At least when based on the Turing machine described here:
> http://www.emis.de/journals/EM/expmath/volumes/11/11.3/Calude361_370.pdf
> Shane

It seems you could get fairly accurate approximations of Omega for other
languages like C using this approach.  For example, there is (AFAIK) only one
C program of length 64 bits or less that halts:


and you could possibly prove upper bounds on longer programs.  Here are some
halting programs of length 72 bits:

  main (){}
  main( ){}
  main() {}
  main(){ }

and others replacing the space with any of the ASCII codes 9, 10, 11, 12, or
13 (at least for gcc).  That is 39 (unless I missed some).  I think with some
work you could prove about 66 bits of Omega_C:


or 20 decimal digits:


What is the shortest C program that does not halt?  Here are some 136 bit

  main(){a:goto a;}

And a 128 bit program:


The following 120 bit program might run forever in some implementations:


What is the shortest halting program in Java?  I can find 2916 programs of
length 360 bits, but nothing shorter, for example:

  class _{public static void main(String[]$){}}

unless you count programs that throw exceptions as legal, in which case you
can have 72 bits:

  class x{}

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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