On 8/4/07, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why do you say that should we train ourselves to prefer solutions that use
> more computing power?  Is this because those solutions in general are more
> whole and manageable verses tweaked, hacked and optimized with loss of
> adaptability?
Yes, and because experience programming on current and previous generations
of hardware has taught us the wrong lesson: not only to decide in favor of
cramped, brittle, unreliable solutions that will save hardware resources,
but to flinch away from better solutions - to not even consciously consider
them, the way a civil engineer doesn't consider designs that would require
material ten times as strong as steel. It's important to deliberately
compensate for that. It's not feasible to adopt "always be aware of all the
things you're not considering", so I find the best solution is "whenever you
start favoring a solution that's miserly with computing power, push it aside
and look to see if there's one that uses more".

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