Maybe just several high level sections to give it some structure and
letting people to fill it as applicable/desired. Consider something

1) intro/vision/goal
2) dev team info (including POC contact)
3) funding info
4) used/projected dev tools/technology
5) high level architecture
6) targeted functional environment
7) user interface
8) KB info
9) problem solving
10) inovation (why/how it's better than failed attempts)
11) what's done (with datestamp)
12) projected schedule / milestones
13) impediments
14) research directions (current & projected)
15) desired collaboration areas
16) other stuff to share

Hmm, looks almost like too long list.. But if you keep sections
optional.... + Resume style = brief & informative.. 3 pages IMO too
long. Ben once wrote an article - something like "Questions for
wannabe AGIs". That might also give some hints. But you may want to
keep it high level to preserve freedom + I would try to strongly
emphasize the original goal = connecting AGI folks regardless of their
level. You may want to add some easy-to-see (potentially graphical)
stage/progress indicator with several levels. Something of this
Level 1: "idea only (research planned)"
Level 2: "research in progress"
Level 3: "development-ready idea (looking for dev team, no funding for
now - volunteers only)"
Level 4: "development-ready idea (looking for dev team, have some funding)"
Level 5: "development in progress (year 0-1, no demo yet)"
Level 6: "development in progress (year 2+, no demo yet)"
Level 7: "development in progress (year 0-1, demo available)"
Level 8: "development in progress (year 2+, demo available)"
... or so ..
By "demo", I mean something users could interact with, not just some
ppt slides or a video.

The whole thing should be very intuitive, simple, easy to use, no
inappropriate ads, no pressure for low level projects to get higher
There are relatively few high level projects so lots of focus should
be on the lower end. When ready, it might be a good idea to contact IT
departments of as many tech schools as possible to get the info to
students who are playing with AI ideas.

These are just my hopefully helpful hints. But feel free to:
a) do it very differently OR
b) not do it at all.

No obligations.

Jiri Jelinek

On Nov 5, 2007 5:25 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin)
> On 11/6/07, Jiri Jelinek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > YKY,
> >
> > Potential problem is that architects & developers may assume that the
> > AGIRI page is a place for well established AGI projects only.
> That depends on Ben or AGIRI's decision.  Or, we can use my wiki, I can
> remove my logo, company name, etc.
> There arn't that many categories I can think of:
> 1.  neural- or logic- based
> 2.  small-number-of-modules vs large-number
> 3.  unified knowledge representation vs diverse
> 4.  probabilistic / fuzzy
> 5.  distributed / swamp vs stand-alone
> 6.  KR = opaque or human-examinable
> 7.  embodied or abstract
> 8.  layered structure or modular
> 9.  declarative KR or procedural / algorithmic
> 10.  evolvable / self-modifying?
> 11.  written in what language(s)
> and...???
> YKY ________________________________
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