How about how many useful patents the AGI can lay claim to in a year.

We feed in all the world's major problems and ask it for any inventions
which would provide cost effictive partial solutions towards solving these 

Obviously there will be many alternate problems and solution paths to explore.

If the AGI is able produce more significant patents that we would expect a
human genius to produce then I would say that it has surpassed us in 

Of course it may be slowed down by the fact that it will have to wait for us to 
experiments for it and create prototypes but it can be working on alternate 
while it is waiting on us.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Mike Tintner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Matt: Humans cannot recognize intelligence superior 
> to their own. 
> This like this whole thread is not totally but highly unimaginative. No one 
> is throwing out any interesting ideas about what a superior intelligence 
> might entail. Mainly it's the same old mathematical, linear approach. 
> Bo-o-oring. 
> The Man Who Fell To Earth had one interesting thought about an obviously, 
> recognizably superior intelligence - Bowie watching ten tv's - following ten 
> arguments so to speak at once. 
> A thought off the proverbial top - how about if a million people could be 
> networked to think about the same creative problem, and any radically new 
> ideas could be instantly recognized and transmitted to everyone - some kind 
> of variation of the global workspace theory? [There would be vast benefits 
> from sync'ing a million different POV's] 
> How about if the brain could track down every thought it had ever had - 
> guaranteed? (As distinct obviously from its present appallingly 
> hit-and-miss filing system which can take forever/never to track down 
> information that is definitely there, somewhere). [And what would be the 
> negatives of perfect memory? Or why is perfect memory impossible?] 
> How about not just mirror neurons, but a mirror nervous system/ body, that 
> would enable you to become another human being, creature with a high degree 
> of fidelity? 
> How about a brain that could instantly check any generalisation against 
> EVERY particular instance in its memory? 
> Don't you read any superhero/superpower comics or sci-fi? Obviously there 
> are an infinite number of very recognisable forms which a superhuman 
> intelligence could take. 
> How about some stimulating ideas about a superintelligence, as opposed to 
> accountants' numbers? 
> P.S. What would be the problems of integrating an obviously superbrain, 
> living or mechanical, that had any of the powers above, with a body? No 
> body, no intelligence. And there will be problems. 
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