> I'll be a lot more interested when people start creating NLP systems
> that are syntactically and semantically processing statements about
> words, sentences and other linguistic structures and adding syntactic
> and semantic rules based on those sentences.

Depending on exactly what you mean by this, it's not a very far-off
thing, and there probably are systems that do this in various ways.

In a lexical grammar approach to NLP, most of the information about the
grammar is in the lexicon.  So all that's required for the system to
"learn new syntactic rules" is to make the lexicon adaptive.

For instance, in the link grammar framework, all that's required is for
the AI to be able to edit the link grammar dictionary, which tells the
syntactic link types associated with various words.  This just requires
a bit of abductive inference of the general form:

I have no way to interpret sentence S syntactically, yet pragmatically I know
that sentence S is supposed to mean (set of logical relations) M

If word W (in sentence S) had syntactic link type L attached to it, then
I could syntactically interpret sentence S to yield meaning M

Thus, I abductively infer that W should have L attached to it
(with a certain level of probabilistic confidence)

There is nothing conceptually difficult here, and nothing beyond the
state of the art.  The link grammar exists (among other frameworks),
and multiple frameworks for abductive inference exist (including
Novamente's PLN framework).

The bottleneck is really the presence of data of type 1), i.e. of instances
in which the system knows what a sentence is supposed to mean even
though it can't syntactically parse it.

One way to get a system this kind of data is via embodiment.   But this is
not the only way.  It can also be done via pure conversation, for

Suppose i'm talking to an AI, as follows:

AI: What's your name
Ben: I be Ben Goertzel
AI: What??
Ben: I am Ben Goertzel
AI: Thanks

Now, the AI may not know the grammatical rule needed to parse

"I be Ben Goertzel"

But, after the conversation is done, it knows that the meaning is
supposed to be equivalent to that of

"I am Ben Goertzel"

and thus it can edit it grammar (e.g. the link parser dictionary)
appropriately, in this case to incorporate the Ebonic grammatical
structure of "be".

Another way to provide training of type 1) would be if the system
had a corpus of multiple different sentences all describing the
same thing -- wherein it could parse some of the sentences and
not others.

In short, I feel that adapting grammar rules based on experience
is not an extremely hard problem, though there are surely some
moderate-level hidden gotchas.  The bottlenecks in this regard
appear to be

-- getting the AI the experience

-- boring old systems integration

-- Ben G

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