While programming my bootstrap English dialog system, I needed a spreading 
activation library for the purpose of enriching the discourse context with 
conceptually related terms.  For example given that there is a human-habitable 
room that both speakers know of, then it is reasonable to assume that "on the 
table" has meaning "on the piece of furniture" in the room rather than the 
meaning "subject to negotiation".  This assumption can be deductively concluded 
by an inference engine given the room as a fact, and rules concluding the 
typical objects that are found in rooms.  But performing theorem proving during 
utterance comprehension is not cognitively plausible, and would take too long 
for real-time performance.   Suppose that offline deductive inference provides 
justifications (e.g. proof traces) to support learned links between rooms and 
tables, then spreading activation is a well known algorithm for searching 
semantic graphs for relevant linked nodes.

A literature search provided much useful information regarding spreading 
activation, also known as marker passing, especially about natural language 
disambiguation, which is my topic of interest.  Because there are no general 
purpose spreading activation Java libraries available, I wrote one and just 
released it on the Texai SourceForge project site.  The download includes 
Javadoc, an overview document, source code, all required jars (Java libraries), 
unit tests and examples, and GraphViz illustrations of sample graphs.  
Performance is acceptable: 20,000 nodes can be activated in 24 ms with one 
thread on my 2.8 GHz CPU.  Furthermore the code is multi-threaded and it gets 
about a 30% speed increase by using two CPU cores.  Even if you are not 
interested in spreading activation, the Java code is a clear example of using a 
CyclicBarrier and CountdownLatch to control worker threads with a driver.

A practice I recommend to you all is to improve Wikipedia articles on AI topics 
of interest.  Therefore I elaborated the existing article on spreading 
activation to include the algorithm and its variations.

Stephen L. Reed

Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704

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