Mike Tintner wrote:

Again, reread me precisely.

Saying your system is a "complex system" doesn't constitute a creative idea. What's the big deal here? Why is your system truly new and different? Why will it solve any of the unsolved problems of AGI? Where's the beef? And what on earth does the thing do? Site visitors & investors will want to know these things.

What, in ad terms, is your U.S.P. ? Complexity is not a U.S.P.

Neither you nor your site answer these questions. And I've asked you them on more than one occasion.

I made no reference to my site, I said "I already did publish a *paper*".

That would be my published paper called "Complex Systems, Artificial Intelligece and Theoretical Psychology". There is also another that gives more detail about some specifics:

[1] Loosemore, R.P.W. (2007). Complex Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Theoretical Psychology. In B. Goertzel & P. Wang, Proceedings of the 2006 AGI Workshop. Amsterdam: IOS Press. This can be found online at http://www.agiri.org/wiki/Workshop_Proceedings (chapter 11).

[2] Loosemore, R.P.W. & Harley, T.A. "Brains and Minds: On the Usefulness of Localisation Data to Cognitive Psychology". To appear in M.Bunzl & S.J.Hanson (Eds.), Philosophical Foundations of fMRI. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

These two papers answer all of the above, in spades.

So I ask you again:  did you read this published work?

I will put these papers up on my site soon.

You go into detail on this forum criticising others & giving advice - often v. well. You go into detail discussing friendliness - sorry, a waste of time for me. But you never go into detail about your ideas or your system - which is wasting a considerable opportunity.

Again, not true:  see the papers.

Sure, I'm ignorant. But I know enough to spot ideas.

I only want you to base your criticisms on actual hard copy, not on handwaving and vague accusations like

P.S. An advertising/marketing no-no - never use s.o. else' s title for your site. It doesn't bespeak originality.

Mel Gilden formally gave me permission to use the name of his book as the name of my company.

Sure, not original, but frankly I don't care. I liked the cover of the book. ;-)

Richard Loosemore

Mike Tintner wrote:
Richard: I already did publish a paper doing exactly that ... haven't you read it?

Yep. And I'm still mystified. I should have added that I have a vague idea of what you mean by complex system and its newness, but no idea of why it will solve any unsolved problem of AGI, and absolutely no idea of what it actually does. My guess is: you use it to bet on the gee-gees :) Does anyone else know BTW? (This is marketing research).

So I went to the trouble of writing an 8424-word paper and you have absolutely no idea what it means, and cannot even get so far as to ask some specific questions about it? It sounds a little like you are saying: "I didn't understand this so you must try again."

How do I know that the text I already wrote was not perfect the way it was, and that the problem is at your end....? ;-) Just asking.

I was actually going to re-write it in a longer form soon, because the size of the chapter that Ben would accept for the conference proceedings was barely enough for me to explain the idea properly.

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