On 5/7/08, Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Story: I recently attended an SGI Buddhist meeting with a friend who was a 
> member there. After listening to their discussions, I asked if there was 
> anyone there (from ~30 people) who had ever found themselves in a position of 
> having to kill or injure another person, as I have. There were none, as such 
> experiences tend to change people's outlook on pacifism. Then I mentioned how 
> Herman Kahn's MAD solution to avoiding an almost certain WW3 involved an 
> extremely non-Buddhist approach, gave a thumbnail account of the historical 
> situation, and asked if anyone there had a Buddhist-acceptable solution. Not 
> only was there no other solutions advanced, but they didn't even want to 
> THINK about such things! These people would now be DEAD if not for Herman 
> Kahn, yet they weren't even willing to examine the situation that he found 
> himself in!
> The ultimate power on earth: An angry 3-year-old with a loaded gun.
> Hence, I come to quite the opposite solution - that AGIs will want to appear 
> to be IRrational, like the 3-year-old, taking bold steps that force 
> capitulation.

Certainly a rational AGI may find it useful to appear irrational, but
that doesn't change the conclusion that it'll want to think rationally
at the bottom, does it?

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