On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 5:01 AM, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, let me make more clear the distinction between running a program and
> simulating it.  Say that a program P simulates a program Q if for all y,
> P((Q,y)) = "the output is "+Q(y) where + means string concatenation.  In
> other words, given Q and y, P prints not Q(y) but a statement describing
> what the output Q(y) would be.  Then I claim there is no finite state
> machine P that can simulate itself (including the trivial case).  P needs
> as many states as Q to simulate it, plus additional states to print "the
> output is ".

If you don't limit the length of the input, recognized languages can
only be regular, and so I can't, for example, match pairs of brackets.
But if input has format "simulate this on yourself: "+y, then there is
no problem: I just print a "the output is " in response to "simulate
this on yourself: " and go on as usual, starting to simulate y even if
it too starts with "simulate this on yourself: ". You don't need
"additional" state if it's already there.

Vladimir Nesov

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