----- Original Message ----
From: rooftop8000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 12:35:49 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] organising parallel processes, try2

Do you think a hierarchy structure could be too restrictive? 

No, I have not yet found a use case that would change my opinion.

What if low-hierarchy processes need to make a snap decision to turn off 
high-level ones. 

In a hierarchical control system, a process should be deactivated by its 
superior node.  A low-hierarchy process can make a snap decision but it cannot 
turn off high-level ones.  It can urgently pass along its perceptions and 
status to its commanding process and request their mutual deactivation.

How are new processes put into the hierarchy? 

Agencies can spawn additional agents to help fulfill their mission.  Likewise 
they can spawn child agencies to delegate a submission in support of their own 
mission.  Some agencies will have as their mission, the composition and 
creation of other agencies.

What if a high-level process is faulty and should be deactivated?

A faulty process should be deactivated by its superior process.  Each process, 
even a high level process will have a superior process which can deactivate it, 
except for the topmost process, whose sole mission is to be friendly.  Every 
process is responsible for ensuring that their directly subordinate processes 
are not faulty, and are behaving in a friendly manner according to the policies 
in effect for that agency.

Do you know any already working systems like the one you are making (preferably 
ones that have a non-trivial scheme of activation, hierarchy/organization or 

Unfortunately, I do not know of any systems like the one that I am making.  I 
suggest that you survey the literature for the topic of agent scheduling.  A 
very good place to start is Citeseer.


Stephen L. Reed

Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704

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