----- Original Message ----
Stan Nilsen wrote:

After thinking a bit more, I see that there are other ways to 
"understand" that do not deal with "process."  I can think of two cases 
of a different kind of understanding (and there are others I'm sure)

Case 1 example: "Do you understand wood?  There are many
"senses" to what wood is and does.  When does one understand wood?  And 
how would a person explain wood?

Case 2 might be an event. "Do you understand the bridge failing and 
crashing down into the river?"  As an engineer there might be one way to 
understand it.  A person in a car on the bridge at the time has another 
understanding.  A government responsible for the bridge has another way. 
  A traffic engineer has another way.

So yes, it can be ambiguous to understand.  One would need to be careful 
to identify exactly what is being explained in an effort to communicate 
an understanding.
I think these two cases really illustrate that explanation really is dependent 
on some purpose (or purpose-like concepts) and numerous other concepts needed 
to integrate the purposes to the primary subject.  In addition, other concepts 
are needed to form the communication of the subject.  So explanation is a lot 
more complicated than it might seem.

But similar remarks could be applied to understanding as well.  For example, 
although you may  not need to communicate an understanding, the idea of 
understanding seems to imply that you have some effective ability to use that 
understanding in some way.  A little like the woodworker who knows how to work 
wood or the engineer who understands a great deal about bridges.

Jim Bromer
Jim Bromer


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