> From: J Storrs Hall, PhD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Why do I believe anyone besides me is conscious? Because they are made
> of
> meat? No, it's because they claim to be conscious, and answer questions
> about
> their consciousness the same way I would, given my own conscious
> experience -- and they have the same capabilities, e.g. of
> introspection,
> 1-shot learning, synthesis of novel ideas, and access to episodic memory
> in
> narrative form (etc.) that I associate with being conscious myself.
> Build a machine that does *all* of these things and you have no better
> reason
> to claim it isn't conscious than you have to claim a person isn't.

Just "conscious" is too simple. It's too umbrella. A rock is conscious. Is 
there an agent specific uniqueness to consciousness? No one is conscious like 
me. And they all are unique as I am not conscious as they are... The uniqueness 
may be a defining factor. Unreplicable and non-simulatable.


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