--- On Mon, 6/23/08, Kaj Sotala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> a) Perform the experiment several times. If, on any of the trials,
> copies are created, then have all of them partake in the next trial as
> well, flipping a new coin and possibly being duplicated again (and
> quickly leading to an exponentially increasing number of copies).
> Carry out enough trials to eliminate the effect of random chance.
> Since every agent is flipping a fair coin each time, by the time you
> finish running the trials, all of them will remember seeing a roughly
> equal amount of heads and tails. Knowing this, a rational agent should
> anticipate this result, and not a 99% ratio.

That is my meaning. But you can run a simulation yourself. The agents that see 
heads get copied, so you have more agents remembering heads than remembering 

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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