Brad Paulsen wrote:

Richard Loosemore wrote:
Brad Paulsen wrote:

Richard Loosemore wrote:
Brad Paulsen wrote:

Here's a question for you:

    What does fomlepung mean?

If your immediate (mental) response was "I don't know." it means you're not a slang-slinging Norwegian. But, how did your brain produce that "feeling of not knowing"? And, how did it produce that feeling so fast?

Your brain may have been able to do a massively-parallel search of your entire memory and come up "empty." But, if it does this, it's subconscious. No one to whom I've presented the above question has reported a conscious "feeling of searching" before having the conscious feeling of not knowing.

It could be that your brain keeps a "list of things I don't know." I tend to think this is the case, but it doesn't explain why your brain can react so quickly with the feeling of not knowing when it doesn't know it doesn't know (e.g., the very first time it encounters the word "fomlepung").

My intuition tells me the feeling of not knowing when presented with a completely novel concept or event is a product of the "Danger, Will Robinson!", reptilian part of our brain. When we don't know we don't know something we react with a feeling of not knowing as a survival response. Then, having survived, we put the thing not known at the head of our list of "things I don't know." As long as that thing is in this list it explains how we can come to the feeling of not knowing it so quickly.

Of course, keeping a large list of "things I don't know" around is probably not a good idea. I suspect such a list will naturally get smaller through atrophy. You will probably never encounter the fomlepung question again, so the fact that you don't know what it means will become less and less important and eventually it will drop off the end of the list. And...

Another intuition tells me that the list of "things I don't know", might generate a certain amount of cognitive dissonance the resolution of which can only be accomplished by seeking out new information (i.e., "learning")? If so, does this mean that such a list in an AGI could be an important element of that AGI's "desire" to learn? From a functional point of view, this could be something as simple as a scheduled background task that checks the "things I don't know" list occasionally and, under the right circumstances, "pings" the AGI with a pang of cognitive dissonance from time to time.

So, what say ye?

Isn't this a bit of a no-brainer? Why would the human brain need to keep lists of things it did not know, when it can simply break the word down into components, then have mechanisms that watch for the rate at which candidate lexical items become activated .... when this mechanism notices that the rate of activation is well below the usual threshold, it is a fairly simple thing for it to announce that the item is not known.

Keeping lists of "things not known" is wildly, outrageously impossible, for any system! Would we really expect that the word "ikrwfheuigjsjboweonwjebgowinwkjbcewijcniwecwoicmuwbpiwjdncwjkdncowk-
dpiuwezpiweudnzpwieumzweuipweiuzmwepoidumw" is represented somewhere as a "word that I do not know"? :-)

I note that even in the simplest word-recognition neural nets that I built and studied in the 1990s, activation of a nonword proceeded in a very different way than activation of a word: it would have been easy to build something to trigger a "this is a nonword" neuron.

Is there some type of AI formalism where nonword recognition would be problematic?

Richard Loosemore


You seem to have decided my request for comment was about word (mis)recognition. It wasn't. Unfortunately, I included a misleading example in my initial post. A couple of list members called me on it immediately (I'd expect nothing less from this group -- and this was a valid criticism duly noted). So far, three people have pointed out that a query containing an un-common (foreign, slang or both) word is one way to quickly generate the "feeling of not knowing." But, it is just that: only one way. Not all "feelings of not knowing" are produced by linguistic analysis of surface features. In fact, I would guess that the vast majority of them are not so generated. Still, some are and pointing this out was a valid contribution (perhaps that example was fortunately bad).

I don't think my query is a no-brainer to answer (unless you want to make it one) and your response, since it contained only another "flavor" of the previous two responses, gives me no reason whatsoever to change my opinion.

Please take a look at the revised example in this thread. I don't think it has the same problems (as an example) as did the initial example. In particular, all of the words are common (American English) and the syntax is valid.

Well, no, I did understand that your point was a general one (I just focused on the example because it was there, if you see what I mean).

But the same response applies exactly to any other version of the "absence of a feeling of knowing" question. Thus: the system tries to assemble a set of elements (call them symbols, nodes, or whatever) that together form a consistent interpretation of the input, but the progress of the assembly operation is monitored, and it is quite easy to tell if the assembly of a consistent interpretation is going well or not. When the monitor detects that there are no significant elements becoming activated in a strong way, it can reliably say that this input is something that the system does not know.

So that would apply to a question like "Who won the 1945 World Series" as much as it would to the appearance of a simple non-word.

In principle, there is nothing terribly difficult about such a mechanism.

Richard Loosemore

The question was about the "feeling of not knowing" not the "absence of a feeling of knowing." These could be quite different feelings. I prefer to stick to the more positive version commonly evinced by the statement "I don't know." Characterizing this as "absence of a feeling of knowing" implies there is a "normal feeling of knowing" typically present that is felt as "absent" in the presence of a query such as the "World Series" example query. I would not be prepared to argue that position, but I can argue there is a "feeling of not knowing" since an "I don't know" response is a definitive declaration of that mental state.

Your general description of "monitoring" during "the progress of the assembly" contains implicit within it some form of search. There is nothing in the query statement, itself, that would engender the "feeling of not knowing" (as would a phonological surface feature anomaly) without performing a semantic (meaning) analysis. Such an analysis will require a search (e.g., of concepts). It, therefore, falls under one of the mechanisms posited in my initial post.

If you think the analysis in the last paragraph is incorrect, I would appreciate it if you could provide a concrete example of monitoring the process of the assembly.

Ah, but I am trying to suggest, quite deliberately, that a "feeling of not knowing" something can be exactly explained by a mechanism that tracks the progress in a recognition episode, and does a time out. So this is not the absence of knowing, this is a mechanism that knows that it does not know.

Now, you refer to something that you label "an absence of a feeling of knowing", and you suggest that this might be different from a feeling of not knowing" ..... but I honestly do not think that the first thing is well defined. It sounds like something not happening, whereas what I am suggesting is that there is a monitoring mechanism that, at a specific time, kicks in and says "I declare that, since nothing has happened in this recognition episode, we KNOW positively that this piece of information is not in the system". This would indeed, as you put it, be a definitive declaration of that mental state.

(To be precise, though, I should say that the system *believes* that it does not know: there is a whole research literature regarding people thinking that they do not know something, where in fact they do know it, but often implicitly. But let's not go in that direction).

As for the role of "search" in this: yes, you could construe it as a form of search. However, there are many circumstances in parallel constraint satisfaction (e.g. neural nets) where it is stretching a point to call it "search". However, I do not really want to dispute that point either: I think it is a matter of convention whether a neural net activation of a large number of microfeatures, for example, should be called search or not.

What I did disagree with was the idea that there might be a search for (in the case of your first, lexical example) a specific nonword, which then was eventually *successful* because it found a lexical item corresponding to the target nonword, together with a label attached to it saying "not known". I can make sense of a search (massively parallel or otherwise) that ends in a timeout, which then causes something to say "Because we did not find a match within the timeout period, the item or fact is not known", but I cannot make sense of a mechanism that must find the target, together with a label attached to it saying that the item is not known. Searches are not a problem, only searches of that peculiar sort.

What I wanted to emphasize was the fact that if you are happy that the feeling of knowing could be explained by a search-plus-timeout mechanism (or, as I would prefer to phrase it, a constraint-satisfaction-plus- timeout mechanism), then your initial question was quite easy to answer, and not so very mysterious.

In the case of the semantic example (trying to answer the question "Who won the World Series in 1954?") the mechanism would look the same as in the lexical example, provided that you used constraint satisfaction to get there. Initially, the words would activate associated concepts (baseball, United States, sports, historical events, people's names, team names, city names ...), and it would also activated concepts that that captured self-knowledge, such as the fact that (in my case) I know almost nothing of baseball, being that I am English. All of those concepts would gel into a framework representing the question itself and also the knowledge that I have about the context of the question, and out of that interacting melange of concepts would emerge a stable state, among which be the meta-knowledge about what happened as a result of allowing all this to percolate through the system. And one part of all that would be the knowledge that the network of concepts had settled into a steady state after the question, but the "slot" for "name of team that won in 1954" would have nothing in it. It is the combination of the steady state and the lack of a filler in the relevant slot that would lead the system to conclude that it did not know the answer.

Now, sometimes the lack of knowledge comes quickly, and sometimes it comes slowly. In the case of your question, my brain came to the conclusion very quickly. But to someone else it might be that they try for a while, before realizing that they do not really know the answer. The speed at which the conclusion appears is a function of how quickly the concepts settle down into a stable configuration that does not include a slot filler.

Again, it is not that I dispute the role of "search". I only dispute that the problem is particularly difficult to imagine a solution for (at least, it is *not* difficult in a constraint-satisfaction formalism, but I would not be surprised if in some other formalism it turned out to be difficult.... I did ask you about that in my first message, because I quite open to the possibility that some formalism might make it into more of a problem than I think it is), and secondly, I would dispute that the system keeps lists of stuff that it does not know, as a general policy.

Richard Loosemore

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