John LaMuth wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harvey Newstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
To: < <>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:18 PM

 > "John LaMuth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote,
 >> There is nothing at all spam-like about publicizing a new and worthy
 >> addition to global knowledge and harmony.
> Publicize it on your own websites. People can find it if they want. You
 > don't have to repeatedly post the same stuff over and over to a bunch of
> different forums. And how many years does it take before this stuff isn't
 > new anymore?
******************************************************************************** My project is so massive it was necessary to release it in a series of eight books over ten years... each with its own website -- each with its own unique appications (not rebranding) .... Excuuuse me for living ....
>> Instead of your ad hominem insinuations, why not focus on the issues and
 >> enlighten me as to where this new system is not valid or sound, if you
 >> can ??
 > Instead of your claims of ad hominem insinuations, why not focus on the
 > issues and
> enlighten me as to how your posts are not repeated advertising of the same
 > stuff over and over and over?

Your website says --- /"Harvey Newstrom ... challenges assumptions and reveals when things aren't as they seem. He believes this to be the key to any investigation, development, or research."/

If, indeed, I have discovered (your words) a new unified theory for
psychology, spirituality, classifying emotions, decoding mental illness,
linking faith and science, revolutionizing family values, reinventing
spirituality for a new millennium, a grand unified theory of ethics and
morality, AI, singularity, robotics, etc. (which is all true)
You would think you would live up to your own hype and take me up
my challenge to prove me wrong .... <>
> I rest my case. We don't need almost a dozen links to the same theory
 > that you insist on posting here again.  One link or one posting would do
 > it.  If anybody is interested, they will respond.

You can't rest a case you haven't even opened yet ...
The problem is everyone fancies themselves a critic, but most are too smug to put in the work ... John E LaMuth MS


You make a mistake common to many people who make claims such as yours: you deliver some incoherent gibberish and claim that it is a theory of everything, then you tell the world that it is the world's responsibility to prove you wrong.

Incoherent gibberish cannot be proven wrong.

It is part of the very definition of "incoherent gibberish", that such stuff cannot be proven wrong.

Harvey Newstrom was quite right:  this is borderline spam.

Richard Loosemore

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