On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Valentina Poletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Jim,
> I was wondering why no-one had brought up the information-theoretic aspect
> of this yet. Are you familiar at all with the mathematics behind such a
> description of AGI? I think it is key so I'm glad someone else is studying
> that as well.

I am not familiar with the mathematics behind an information-theoretic
description of AGI. I am not sure if you were talking to me, because I
do not feel that information theory is the right way to approach the
problem. I think that Shannon wrote in 1949 that semantics was not an
engineering problem and I would generalize that to say that the
discovery of meaning from input is not an engineering problem.  It
cannot be solved through concise mathematical formulas alone.  There
is no doubt that skill in Information Theory would be useful in a
complicated computer project (I wish I knew more) but I do not feel
that it is the key to discovering the yet to be discovered theories of

I know a little about the various concepts that are discussed in these
AI groups and I feel that it is useful to generalize and combine those
different viewpoints.

But I would like to try to answer a little of your question.  No an
airplane does not do much for birdom, but airplanes are not designed
for that.  Aircraft are also not designed to be intelligently adaptive
except in controlled ways. We can use this idea to begin to think
about different degrees of freedom in intelligently adaptive learning
though.  A autopilot might instruct an aircraft to fly level given its
input in a fairly simple way.  A more advanced design might use more
advanced systems that included a variety of feedback on its flight
control surfaces (controlled by output) so that it could recognize
that certain actions might only have limited effects under some
conditions.  At a next level of the freedom of intelligence, the
aircraft might plot a course using radar and positional notes posted
by other aircraft so that it could avoid turbulence.  And at a higher
level of freedom in learning, one might think about constructing a
program that ran on a simulator so that the simulated aircraft program
could learn for itself based on trial and error.  I think most of us
would argue that such a system could be designed for bird flight,
although that would be more challenging for a number of reasons.  This
could actually be used to help birds if there was a will to experiment
in that direction!

But I hope I got the idea across that the easiest adaptive programs to
design just have one level of reaction: they just follow the program
which was itself written to deal with as many circumstances as it
could to be effectively used in controlling a machine.  Another level
of reaction might include more detailed planning and operation given
the circumstances that the programmers expected to be encountered
using generalizations that only differed by measures or constrained
groups of conditionals that could be detected using instrumental
devices of some kind.  The next level includes learning for itself
through trial and error.  I feel that this highest level of learning
implies that such a system would have to be capable of intricate
systems of representing knowledge which is beyond our current

I am interested in certain mathematical programs especially as they
apply to AI but I do not know much about the information theoretic
approach to AI.  I am currently working on my own theory about solving
the Logical Satisfiability Problem in polynomial time, but I haven't
done it yet.

Jim Bromer

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