Interesting discussion.  And we brought up wireheading.  It's kind of the
ultimate example that shows that pursuing pleasure is different from
pursuing the "good".  It really is an area for the philosophers.  What is
the good, anyway?

But what I wanted to comment on was my understanding of the relationship
between pleasure, and the "good".  Pleasure is an evolved reward system
that people and animals have that generally helps us learn to do things
that are good for us.  So we get pleasure from positive social interaction
and romantic interaction and success and eating well and all sorts of
things.  So it's an aspect of learning to guide us toward things that help
us.  It has some characteristics shared with affect, like persistence over
some limited amount of time.  I'm guessing a little bit of this
persistence is needed so we can remember it--it will pass to long term
memory, and we have to have time to figure out what exactly was lead up to
it, so we associate the pleasure with the proper behavior.  And for this
correct attribution, there probably has to be some backwards chain
reaching back.  I don't know, my psychology is kind of weak--they've
probably figured a lot of this out. OK, so my understanding is not great,
but it's enough for me to understand that pleasure is just our mechanism
to guide us, not a highest good on its own.

The human pleasure system can be an example, but an AGI will need
something to satisfy similar problems.  It may be that because some of the
subtleties involved, and ability to enjoy play might be important for an

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