On 08/28/2008 04:47 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote:
The premise is that if humans can create agents with above human intelligence, 
then so can they. What I am questioning is whether agents at any intelligence 
level can do this. I don't believe that agents at any level can recognize 
higher intelligence, and therefore cannot test their creations.

The premise is not necessary to arrive at greater than human intelligence. If a human can create an agent of equal intelligence, it will rapidly become more intelligent (in practical terms) if advances in computing technologies continue to occur.

An AGI with an intelligence the equivalent of a 99.9999-percentile human might be creatable, recognizable and testable by a human (or group of humans) of comparable intelligence. That same AGI at some later point in time, doing nothing differently except running 31 million times faster, will accomplish one genius-year of work every second. I would argue that by any sensible definition of intelligence, we would have a greater-than-human intelligence that was not created by a being of lesser intelligence.

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