David: I know that some systems (specifically systems without models or a lot of
human interaction) have had grounding problems but your statement below
seems to be stating something that is far from proven fact.

Your conclusions about "concept of self" and "unemboodied agent means
ungrounded symbols" are also not shared by me and not explained or proven by

Your saying something is doesn't necessarily make it true.

Terren: To an unembodied agent, the concept of self is indistinguishable from any
other "concept" it works with. I use concept in quotes because to the
unembodied agent, it is not a concept at all, but merely a symbol with no
semantic context attached. All such an agent can do is perform operations on
ungrounded symbols - at best, the result of which can appear to be
intelligent within some domain (e.g., a chess program).


MAN: But enough of talking about me, darling. Let's talk about you... What do you think about me?

And how is the computer going to get the joke, without having a self, that's been in a conversation, and had physical emotional urges to talk about themself, and had to wait impatiently while others talked about themselves, and having a gut that can laugh?

MAN: You're not a human being, David. You're just a machine. You talk robotically, you walk robotically, you think robotically. You don't have any feelings.

And how's it going to understand any of that? How's it going to know that the man is exaggerating?

MAN: I have terrible problems of self-control whenever I see a doughnut.

And that, esp self-control?


"Suppose Bob's goal is to create a human-level AI; and he thinks he knows how to do it, but the completion of his approach is likely to take him an indeterminate number of years of work, during which he will
have trouble feeding himself.
Consider two options Bob has:
A) Spend 10 years hacking in his basement, based on his AI ideas
B) Spend those 10 years working as a financial trader, and donate 50% of his profits to others
creating AI"

How's a computer going to understand the pressures on Bob, and why they reflect pressures on Ben?

One can go on in this vein covering all of human and animal affairs and life. That doesn't leave a lot.

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