On Thursday 18 September 2008, Mike Tintner wrote:
> In principle, I'm all for the idea that I think you (and perhaps
> Bryan) have expressed of a "GI Assistant" - some program that could
> be of general assistance to humans dealing with similar
> problems across many domains. A diagnostics expert, perhaps, that
> could help analyse breakdowns in say, the human body, a car or any of
> many other machines, a building or civil structure, etc. etc. And
> it's certainly an idea worth exploring. 

That's just one of the many projects I have going, however. It's easy 
enough to wire it up to a simple perceptron, or weights-adjustable 
additive function, or even physically up to a neural tissue culture for 
sorting through the hiss and the noise of 'bad results'. This isn't 
your fabled intelligence.

>  But I have yet to see any evidence that it is any more viable than a
> proper AGI - because, I suspect, it will run up against the same

It's not aiming to be AGI in the first place though.

- Bryan
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