On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Brad Paulsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, OK, so I added the stuff in the parentheses.  Sue me.

Hehe, indeed.  Although I'm sure Powerset has some nice little
relationship links between words, I'm a little skeptical about the
claim to "meaning".  I don't mean that in a philosophical "not
grounded" sense.. I'm of the belief that you *could* manually list all
the relationships between words that a person gathers in a lifetime
and that might well be something approaching the meaning of those
words.  No.  Why I'm skeptical is that I'm pretty sure I could get a
bunch of 5 year old children to tell me everything they can about the
word "truck" and I'd still be writing things down after weeks of
brainstorming.  It's a hefty task enumerating common knowledge - let
alone the uncommon kind - and preferably one shouldn't need to.  After
all, no-one lists all that meaning about trucks to 5 year olds.


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