Convergence08 <>

Join a historic convergence of leading long term organizations and thought
leaders. Two days with people at the forefront of world-changing
technologies that may reshape our career, body and mind – that challenge our
perception of what can and should be done.

Convergence08 is an Unconference: each day starts and ends with an
eye-opening debate or keynote to inspire us, and the remaining agenda is
created by YOU.

Join in freewheeling discussions on topics below, or – better yet – *convene
your own group* focused on exactly what *you* think is most important:

   - Neurotechnology
   - Artificial general intelligence
   - Synthetic biology
   - Human enhancement
   - Space tourism
   - Social software
   - Prediction markets
   - Nanotechnology
   - Smart drugs

   - Bioethics
   - Cleantech
   - NBIC startup tips
   - Reputation systems
   - Life extension / anti-aging
   - Accelerating change
   - Biotechnology
   - Open source everything
   - Sousveillance / privacy

Don't see your topics here? Add them to the Convergence08
You just may get a new startup or film project crystallizing around your
topic before the conference is over.

All this takes place at the Computer History Museum in the heart of Silicon
Valley – where new technological revolutions grow like weeds. Come help
plant the next one! <>
Our website is officially up at

We have a companion wiki site, at where you
can volunteer to help out at the event or sign up to discuss a topic:

*TO ADD YOUR TOPIC TO THIS LIST* click on "[edit]" at the upper right of
this page, or email James
Clement.<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>We really do
encourage everyone attending to speak or lead a discussion on a
topic of interest. All you need is a session title, your name, a link to
your bio or website, and perhaps a picture of you.

Right before the event we'll put up a time-slot sign up list at the Computer
History Museum. Time-slots will be based on a 50-minute turnover per room.
You can sign up for more than one time slot, back-to-back, or at different
times during the day on different subjects.

Audio/Video equipment: Rather than relying on us to provide audio/video
equipment, *please bring your own!* Please ensure you have what you need to
make your presentation.

We encourage you to talk about new, interesting ideas percolating in your
head, projects you are involved in or thinking of starting, or other topics
that would interest our savvy audience. If you are unsure about your subject
matter, please feel free to run the idea by co-organizer James

extropy-chat mailing list

Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
overcome " - Dr Samuel Johnson

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