2008/10/14 Terren Suydam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> --- On Tue, 10/14/08, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> An AI that is twice as smart as a
>> human can make no more progress than 2 humans.
> Spoken like someone who has never worked with engineers. A genius engineer 
> can outproduce 20 ordinary engineers in the same timeframe.
> Do you really believe the relationship between intelligence and output is 
> linear?

I'm going to use this post as a place to grind one of my axes, apologies Terren.

The relationship between processing power and results is not
necessarily linear or even positively  correlated. And as an increase
in intelligence above a certain level requires increased processing
power (or perhaps not? anyone disagree?).

When the cost of adding more computational power, outweighs the amount
of money or energy that you acquire from adding the power, there is
not much point adding the computational power.  Apart from if you are
in competition with other agents, that can out smart you. Some of the
traditional views of RSI neglects this and thinks that increased
intelligence is always a useful thing. It is not very

There is a reason why lots of the planets biomass has stayed as
bacteria. It does perfectly well like that. It survives.

Too much processing power is a bad thing, it means less for
self-preservation and affecting the world. Balancing them is a tricky
proposition indeed.

  Will Pearson

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