
Ignoring your overheated invective, I will make one more attempt to address
your objections.  **If and only if** you will be so kind as to summarize
them in a compact form in a single email.   If you give me a numbered list
of your objections against my approach to AGI and other similar approaches,
in which each objection is summarized in a few dozen words at most, then I
will respond by summarizing my reaction to each of your objections.

-- Ben G

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 12:50 PM, Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> Ben,
> First, note that I do NOT fall into the group that says that you can't
> engineer digital AGI. However, I DO believe that present puny computers are
> not up to the task, and some additional specific research (that I have
> previously written about here) needs to be done before programming can be
> done with a reasonable expectation of success.
> After consulting my assortment of reference dictionaries,,,
> On 10/16/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I completely agree that puzzles can be ever so much more interesting when
>>> you can successfully ignore that they cannot possibly lead to anything
>>> useful. Further, people who point out the reasons that they cannot succeed
>>> are really boors and should be censored. This entire thread should be
>>> entitled something like "Psychiatric Censorship".
>> I don't know why you are talking about **censorship**.   The Internet is
>> large.
> Censorship (according to all of my dictionaries) only applies to acts in a
> particular venue, and does NOT indicate any sort of all-inclusive act to
> expunge anything from the mind of man (or machine). For example, an editor
> in a particular newspaper may censor something, but of course there are LOTS
> of other newspapers, radio and TV stations, etc. Hence, I stand by my
> correct use of "censorship" here.
>>  This email list is not intended for discussions of spiritual philosophy
>> or biochemistry -- for example -- yet that does not constitute
>> **censorship** in the usual sense, as there are many other forums in which
>> to discuss those things.
> I suspect that the authors and some readers of those same discussions would
> categorize them systems analysis or feasibility.
>>  And the anti-digital-computer-AGI arguments presented on this list have,
>> not in one instance, been significantly original.
> Agreed.
> This is because you have FLATLY REFUSED to address the old and obvious
> objections to approaches presented here. When I arrived, I simply (and
> erroneously) presumed ignorance of existing arguments and repeated them.
> Now, I still presume ignorance, but of a very different sort. You somehow
> believe (please correct me if I am wrong here) that it possible to
> successfully build something (anything, a building, a machine, or an AGI)
> where there continue to be unaddressed feasibility objections. This is quite
> obviously (to me and a couple of other readers here) a management (of your
> own efforts) failure of major proportions.
>>  I and anyone else who has been around the AI community awhile, has heard
>> them all before.
> However, they still remain unanswered, and as your prior posting clearly
> stated, they will (at least in your case) remain unanswered.
>>   There is nothing to be gained by hearing them over and over again.
> Ya know, I think that I FINALLY agree with you, at least in your particular
> case, on this point. You will obviously blindly keep going until you fall in
> to any one of a long list of holes that others see way ahead of time, but
> which you are too busy to look at. No, I do NOT (as your signature line
> suggests) expect you to "overcome all objections", but at least you should
> look at them enough to say words sufficient to communicate that you have
> overcome them in your own mind, and just to show that you are indeed serious
> about AGI, you might let is mere mortals in on how you have overcome SOME of
> the more major objections.
>>  If someone has a substantially new argument against the possibility of
>> engineering AGI digital-computers, I would be personally interested to hear
>> it.
> Who needs new arguments, when you show little/no indication that you have
> really heard and considered the old arguments?
>>  Just as I was intrigued by Penrose's anti-digital-AGI argument in terms
>> of quantum gravity .. at first ... until I dug in more deeply and decided
>> the evidence currently does not support it...
>>> "Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
>>> overcome "  - Dr Samuel Johnson
>>> Add to that: "Nothing will ever succeed if all objections are not first
>>> considered" - Steve Richfield
>> But this latter aphorism has the immediate logical conclusion that nothing
>> will ever succeed.
>   Because, there is an infinite number of possible objections to any
>> statement,
> Note the absence of the word "possible" which you apparently presumed. You
> only need answer the ACTUAL objections, which are quite countable, and in
> environments populated by competent managers, always ARE all considered, at
> least by those managers who want to keep their jobs.
> Have you heard of the process of "Objection Elimination"?
>>  so long as one counts as different any two objections that differ
>> slightly in wording, even if their meaning is essentially the same.
> Obviously, one answer can easily address an entire class of objections.
>   What you don't seem to understand is that I, and most of the other AGI
>> engineers on this list, have **already heard all these objections** --- we
>> have read them in the primary research literature, when they were first
>> proposed decades ago, and we don't really need to hear them repeated over
>> and over again, usually in rougher and less precise form than the initial
>> presentations in the literature.
> What mystifies me is that apparently NO ONE has ever answered those many
> objections, so mere mortals like me presume them to be correct, yet some
> people persist in charging onward in spite of the apparent abyss that lies
> ahead. Myself, I believe that there IS a path through the minefield, but you
> can't expect to get through a minefield by simply walking through and
> ignoring those bumps and depressions in the dirt, disturbed foliage, etc.
>>  Our lack of agreement with these arguments is NOT because we have not
>> heard them repeated often enough!!
> Are you then claiming insanity?! Do you have wonderful answers that have
> eluded everyone else, yet are too busy to post them? Do you think that you
> can simply ignore these issues and still somehow succeed (which seems to be
> your present position from what I have read)?
> Our "lack of agreement" has nothing about uniqueness of arguments, or even
> accuracy of arguments, but instead is about process - the process of
> managing and executing the fabrication of intelligent machines. This is NOT
> just about programming, for if you are going to recruit others, get funding,
> coordinate a substantial effort, etc., then feasibility issues absolutely
> MUST be answered SOMEWHERE, lest everyone associated be considered to be
> (world) village idiots, regardless of the correctness (or lack thereof) of
> their path.
> The forum you envision is MUCH narrower than the advertised nature of this
> AGI forum. May I suggest that a new forum for "programming techniques that
> may be useful in a future century when present real-world impediments have
> been removed" be formed and YOU move THERE instead of moving the
> still-rational AGI-interested population from here to somewhere else.
> Steve Richfield
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
overcome "  - Dr Samuel Johnson

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