On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Dr. Matthias Heger wrote:
> Natural communication and language understanding is completely comparable
> with common processes in computer science. There is an internal data
> representation. A subset of this data is translated into a linguistic string
> and transferred to another agent which retranslates the message before it
> possibly but not necessarily changes its database.
> The only reason why natural language understanding is so difficult is
> because it needs a lot of knowledge to resolve ambiguities which humans
> usually gain via own experience.

Google have just released a video showing their latest language research:
The third video, "Applications of Human Language Technology," is a
discussion of our enormous progress in large-scale automated
translation of languages and speech recognition. Both of these
technology domains are coming of age with capabilities that will truly
impact what we expect of computers on a day-to-day basis. I discuss
these technologies with human language technology experts Franz Josef
Och, an expert in the automated translation of languages, and Mike
Cohen, an expert in speech processing.



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