On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If that allows AI to understand the code, without directly helping it.
> In this case teaching it to understand these other languages might be
> a better first step.

And to do that you need to give it a specification of those languages,
and the ability to reason about the properties of a program given the
code plus the specification of what it's written in; and you need a
language in which to write the code to do all that; which brings us
back to where I started this thread.

> But, speaking of application to debugging software, I long ago came to
> conclusion that you'd need to include unreasonable amount of
> background information which you won't even be able to guess relevant
> to make AI do what you need with things that are not completely
> defined.

It's a hard problem isn't it? Science fiction about Friendly AI
rewriting the solar system is entertaining, but to really get to grips
with the matter, start with trying to figure out how to write one that
understands how to make the Firefox option "always perform this
action" work for all file types.

Where (if anywhere) do you see AGI going in our lifetimes, if you
think software debugging will remain too difficult an application for
the foreseeable future?

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