Mike Tintner wrote:
Colin:YES....Brains don't have their own sensors or self-represent with a perceptual field. So what? That's got nothing whatever to do with the matter at hand. CUT cortex and you can kill off "what it is like" percepts out there in the body (although in confusing ways). Touch appropriate exposed cortex with a non-invasive probe and you can create percepts apparently, but not actually, elsewhere in the body. Cut off your sensors and your body -remove the body from the brain - and you also don't have any form of consciousness or sensation - contrary to the brain-in-a-vat delusion. However if you remove the brain entirely - from an evolutionary perspective - you still have consciousness. Living organisms clearly had and have intelligence *before* the brain was evolved - *before* intelligence was centralised in one area of the body. Intelligence was clearly at first *distributed* through a proto-nervous system throughout the body. Watch a sea anemone wait and then grab, and then devour a fish that approaches it and you will be convinced of that. The anemone does not have a brain only a nervous system. You are trying to locate consciousness in one area of the body rather than in the brain-body as a whole. It's clearly wrong. You - your self - and your consciousness - are a whole body affair. Understanding this is vital not only for understanding consciousness but also general intelligence and creativity, as I have dealt with elsewhere

I'm talking about human P-consciousness[1] specifically. I'm not talking about its role in intelligence or the P-consciousness or otherwise in any other context like an invertebrate. I just want to make sure everyone's on the same physiological page for human level AGI.

Yes, the normal circumstances are that P-consciousness arises in brain-body as a whole. But pathological circumstances are very telling. Phantom limb is where you could have, say, have a perceptual arm 'out there' in space in a really agonising contorted way, but there's no actual arm. Male>Female sex changes can produce phantom penises etc. .... this is P-consciousness of body *without body part.*

The fact that P-consciousness occurs in any particular embodiment circumstance or intellectual capacity does not alter the empirical fact of the localisation of the origin of the sensations in humans to the cranial CNS of the human. Very specific localised cranial (not spinal) central nervous system (CNS) neurons go to a great deal of trouble to construct the P-conscious scenes. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the spinal CNS are 100% sensationless, including all cranial peripherals. That's the main outcome.

If there is anyone out there that thinks that merely hooking up a sensor to a computer intrinsically creates a percept or a sensation - that is fundamentally erroneous. That includes a camera chip or any other peripheral. I have actually met a senior AI worker with that delusion installed in his mental kit. He didn't like being told about the atomic level reality.

I'd like to dispel all such delusion in this place so that neurally inspired AGI gets discussed accurately, even if your intent is to "explain P-consciousness away"... know exactly what you are explaining away and exactly where it is.

Colin Hales
[1] Block, N. (1995), 'On a Confusion About a Function of Consciousness'. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18(2):pp. 227-247.

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