> It's an interesting idea, but I suspect it too will rapidly break down.
> Which activities can be known about in a rich, better-than-blind-Cyc way
> *without* a knowledge of objects and object manipulation? How can an agent
> know about reading a book,for example,  if it can't pick up and manipulate a
> book? How can it know about adding and subtracting, if it can't literally
> put objects on top of each other, and remove them?  We humans build up our
> knowledge of the world objects/physics up from infancy.  Science also
> insists that all formal scientific knowledge of  the world  - all scientific
> disciplines - must be ultimately physics/objects-based.  Is there really an
> alternative?

And  just to be clear: in the AGI Preschool world I envision, picking up and
manipulating and stacking objects, and so forth, *would* be possible.  This
much is not hard to achieve using current robot-simulator tech.


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