2008/12/21 Valentina Poletti <jamwa...@gmail.com>:
> I have a question for you AGIers.. from your experience as well as from your
> background, how relevant do you think software engineering is in developing
> AI software and, in particular AGI software?

If by "software engineering" you mean techniques for writing software
better, then software engineering is relevant to all production of
software, whether for AI or anything else.

AI can be thought of as a particularly hard field of software development.

> Just wondering.. does software
> verification as well as correctness proving serve any use in this field?

I've never used formal proofs of correctness of software, so can't
comment. I use software testing (unit tests) on pretty much all
non-trivial software thast I write -- i find doing so makes things
much easier.

Philip Hunt, <cabala...@googlemail.com>
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