I get the impression from this question that you think an AGI is some sort
of all-knowing, idealistic invention. It is sort of like asking "if you
could ask the internet anything, what would you ask it?". Uhhh, lots of
stuff, like how do I get wine stains out of white carpet :). AGI's will not
be all-knowing for quite a long time. They won't be any more all-knowing
than you and I. Eventually they will know a lot, just as the internet
contains more information than any human brain can store. But the AGI will
certainly not know everything, at least not for quite a long time. It has to
learn stuff just as we do. And we'll have to manage that knowledge until it
gets to the point where it is basically all knowing. Hopefully it will get
to that point some far day in the future.


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:04 AM, The Wizard <key.unive...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you could ask an AGI anything, what would you ask it?
> --
> Carlos A Mejia
> Taking life one singularity at a time.
> www.Transalchemy.com
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