I'd like opinions on terminology here. IMO the opposition of closed sets vs open sets is fundamental to the difference between narrow AI and AGI.
However I notice that these terms have different meanings to mine in maths. What I mean is: closed set: contains a definable number and *kinds/species* of objects open set: contains an undefinable number and *kinds/species* of objects (what we in casual, careless conversation describe as containing "all kinds of things"); the rules of an open set allow adding new kinds of things ad infinitum Narrow AI's operate in artificial environments containing closed sets of objects - all of wh. are definable. AGI's operate in real world environments containing open sets of objects - some of wh. will be definable, and some definitely not To engage in any real world activity, like "walking down a street" or "searching/tidying a room" or "reading a science book/text" is to operate with open sets of objects, because the next field of operations - the next street or room or text - may and almost certainly will have unpredictably different kinds of objects from the last. Any objections to my use of these terms, or suggestions that I should use others? ------------------------------------------- agi Archives: https://www.listbox.com/member/archive/303/=now RSS Feed: https://www.listbox.com/member/archive/rss/303/ Modify Your Subscription: https://www.listbox.com/member/?member_id=8660244&id_secret=8660244-6e7fb59c Powered by Listbox: http://www.listbox.com