
Your call for an "AGI roadmap" is well targeted. I suspect that others here
have their own, somewhat different roadmaps. These should all be merged,
like decks of cards being shuffled together, maybe with percentages
attached, so that people could announce that, say, "I am 31% of the way to
having an AGI". At least this would provide SOME metric for progress.

This would apparently place Ben in a awkward position, because on the one
hand he is somewhat resistant to precisely defining his efforts, while on
the other hand he desperately needs to be able to demonstrate some progress
as he works toward something that is useful/salable.

"Is a" is too vague, e.g. in "A robot is a machine", it is unclear whether
robots and machines are simply two different words for the same thing, or
whether robots are a member of the class known as machines. There are also
other more perverse potential meanings, e.g. that a single robot is a
machine, but that multiple robots are something different, e.g. a junk pile.

In Dr. Eliza, I (attempt to) deal with ambiguous statements by having the
final parser demand an unambiguous statement, and utilize my "idiom
resolver" to recognize common ambiguous statements and "fill in the gaps"
with clearer words. Hence, simple unambiguous statements and common gapping
works, but less common gapping fails, as do complex statements that can't be
split into 2 or more simple statements.

I suspect that you may be heading toward the common brick wall of paradigm
limitation, where you initially adopt an oversimplified paradigm to get
something to work, and then run into the limitations of that oversimplified
paradigm. For example, Dr. Eliza is up against its own paradigm limitations
that we have discussed here. Hence, it may be time for some paradigm
overhaul if your efforts are to continue smoothly ahead.

I hope this helps.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 7:20 AM, A. T. Murray <> wrote:

> Tues.20.JUL.2010 -- Seeking Is-a Functionality
> Recently our overall goal in coding MindForth
> has been to build up an ability for the AI to
> engage in self-referential thought. In fact,
> "SelfReferentialThought" is the "Milestone"
> next to be achieved on the "RoadMap" of the
> Google Code MindForth project. However, we are
> jumping ahead a little when we allow ourselves
> to take up the enticing challenge of coding
> "Is-a" functionality when we have work left over
> to perform on fleshing out question-word queries
> and pronominal gender assignments. Such tasks
> are the loathsome scutwork of coding an AI Mind,
> so we reinvigorate our sense of AI ambition by
> breaking new ground and by leaving old ground to
> be conquered more thoroughly as time goes by.
> We simply want our budding AI mind to think
> thoughts like the following.
> "A robin is a bird."
> "Birds have wings."
> "Andru is a robot."
> "A robot is a machine."
> We are not aiming directly at inference or
> logical thinking here. We want rather to
> increase the scope of self-referential AI
> conversations, so that the AI can discuss
> classes and categories of entities in the
> world. If people ask the AI what it is,
> and it responds that it is a robot and
> that a robot is a machine, we want the
> conversation to flow unimpeded and
> naturally in any direction that occurs
> to man or machine.
> We have already built in the underlying
> capabilities such as the usage of articles
> like "a" or "the", and the usage of verbs
> of being. Teaching the AI how to use "am"
> or "is" or "are" was a major problem that
> we worried about solving during quite a
> few years of anticipation of encountering
> an impassable or at least difficult roadblock
> on our AGI Roadmap. Now we regard introducing
> "Is-a" functionality not so much as an
> insurmountable ordeal as an enjoyable
> challenge that will vastly expand the
> self-referential wherewithal of the
> incipient AI.
> Arthur
> --
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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