Adding is simple proving is hard. This is a truism. I would like your
opinion on *proofs* which involve an unproven hypothesis, such as Riemann.
Hardy and Littlewood proved Goldbach with this assumption. Unfortunately the
does not apply. The truth of Goldbach does not imply the Riemann hypothesis.
Riemann would be proved if a converse was valid and the theorem proved
another way.

I am not really arguing deep philosophy, what I am saying is that a
non inscrutable system must go to its basic axioms.

  - Ian Parker

On 31 July 2010 00:25, Jan Klauck <> wrote:

> Ian Parker wrote
> >> Then define your political objectives. No holes, no ambiguity, no
> >> forgotten cases. Or does the AGI ask for our feedback during mission?
> >> If yes, down to what detail?
> >
> > With Matt's ideas it does exactly that.
> How does it know when to ask? You give it rules, but those rules can
> be somehow imperfect. How are its actions monitored and sanctioned?
> And hopefully it's clear that we are now far from mathematical proof.
> > No we simply add to the axiom pool.
> Adding is simple, proving is not. Especially when the rules, goals,
> and constraints are not arithmetic but ontological and normative
> statements. Wether by NL or formal system, it's error-prone to
> specify our knowledge of the world (much of it is implicit) and
> teach it to the AGI. It's similar to law which is similar to math
> with referenced axioms and definitions and a substitution process.
> You often find flaws--most are harmless, some are not.
> Proofs give us islands of certainty in an explored sea within the
> ocean of the possible. We end up with heuristics. That's what this
> discussion is about, when I remember right. :)
> cu Jan
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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