Taral wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You're too concerned with the facts of this case.
> Patent nonsense. BobTHJ, your arguments lead me to believe that you
> have no basis other than personal (or contractual) bias on this issue.

Agreed.  BobTHJ also recently wrote in a-d, regarding appelant Sgeo's
lack of arguments:

  "Judicial corruption at its finest. Why have a reasonable argument
   when we can simply push this through by sheer force alone?"

> H. Murphy, would you be willing to approve the decision of a majority
> of the panel?

As CotC, I support Goethe's intent to make the panel judge AFFIRM, as
it has adequately responded to appelant Ivan Hope's arguments.

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