On 8 Oct 2008, at 14:02, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
I'm completely INNOCENT.  Even if the IRC channel in which the act was
alleged to have occurred was a Public Forum at the time it allegedly
occurred (which is itself the subject of a CFJ), I made no statements
in that Forum while my nickname was set to anything other than
"gspear", my first initial followed by my last name, or "Wooble"
followed by 0 or more characters.  I did, very briefly, have my
nickname set to "tusho", but made no Public Statements while that
nickname was set.  The idea that the act of changing my nickname was
itself a public statement doesn't hold water; the setting of an IRC
nickname is a mere change in metadata; the fact that the change is
reported as text to the users of most IRC clients is irrelevant; this
metadata is analogous to email headers, which precedent holds are not
capable of holding public statements or causing game actions.


:[EMAIL PROTECTED] PRIVMSG #really-a-cow :This is a test.
:[EMAIL PROTECTED] NICK :foobarbazquux
:[EMAIL PROTECTED] PRIVMSG #really-a-cow :It is certainly a message, and that is how it is specified in the IRC protocol - just not of the PRIVMSG kind. It's explicitly sent as a message. That is not metadata. :[EMAIL PROTECTED] PRIVMSG #really-a-cow :It just so happens that IRC has different types of messages.


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